With assets under management in excess of £1 billion, Church House Investment Management is a fund and portfolio manager offering specialist services to individuals, financial professionals and institutions for over 20 years.
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Registered in England and Wales No. 03475556 Investors should be aware that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and that the price of shares and other investments, and the income derived from them, may fall as well as rise and the amount realised may be less than the original sum invested. Church House Investments Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
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Please note, the information provided in this website is aimed at all types of investor and some articles and links may be geared towards non-retail investors (such as professional and institutional investors).
If you are a retail investor and you access an article or piece that is intended for professional investors, you should be aware that the information is not intended for you to rely on or use as a basis for making an investment decision.
Accessing information provided on this website does not constitute a recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise trade in all or any of the investments mentioned therein. Please remember that the value of investments and the income you get from them may fall as well as rise and there is no certainty that you will get back the amount of your original investment. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.
A range of investments funds for use in diversified portfolios or available for direct investment
We offer a series of six funds with different objectives making them ideal portfolio holdings or individual investments.
When Church House was first started in 1999, the funds were created soley as the building blocks for our private client portfolios and now they are available to all investment professionals.
Our funds were designed to meet specific investor objectives
Investors have full visibility over where their money is invested
Equity investing is centred on identifying pricing opportunities
Proven disciplines are in place to manage volatility
Open to direct investors, discretionary managed clients and investment professionals
Supporting materials to provide additional information
Key to managing risk
When designing a diversified portfolio, the skill is finding the right blend of funds. It is a real advantage if you also control the investment decisions in the underlying funds as it means you have end to end control over the decisions that ultimately drive performance and volatility, by which we mean the upward and downward movements in the value of a portfolio.
It is for this reason we have our own range of funds, which form the basis of our portfolios. Each fund has a specific purpose, which makes them ideally suited to address different investment objectives. For those investors most focused on capital preservation we can increase allocations to our Tenax Absolute Return Strategies Fund while those with a longer investment time horizon will likely benefit from more exposure to UK Equity Growth and Esk Global Equity funds.
Important reference materials including Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs) and Reports.
Church House funds are available for direct investment, and our partner, IFSL (Investment Fund Services Limited) manages the process. There are two options when looking at direct investment, both are detailed below.
Important information
Prospective investors should read a fund Prospectus, Key Investor Information Document and the most recent annual or semi-annual report before applying or processing a transaction over the telephone. These documents can be accessed earlier on this page.
Please make sure you read these documents carefully and if you are unsure about the suitability of an investment please contact us to discuss our wealth management services or get in touch with an authorised financial adviser.
The first route is to undertake a transaction over the telephone with IFSL. There is a dedicated dealing desk, and the number is shown across.
Call 0808 164 5458.
Alternatively, investors can complete an application form and email this directly to IFSL at dealing@ifslfunds.com. We have included a link to the Unit Trust/OEIC form. Other forms are required when holding funds in a specific account, such as an ISA (Individual Savings Account), and these are available on the IFSL website, a link is below. The form contains details of the available payment options. Where the form requests the 'Sedol/ISIN of fund' in Section E, you can find this by clicking on the relevant KIID for the fund in the table above. If you experience any difficulties with this process please contact our Client Services Team on 01935 382620 or email us at enquiries@church-house.co.uk
Additional applications formsJoined Church House in 2003 following a career in the military which was followed by time with Merrill Lynch and an international private bank.
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